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Part of contributing to sustainability
should be accessible to everyone’s
convenience, meaningful and profitable.
This online calculator can be used to estimate most annual feedstock that can produce gas by GRE-DFB. This is available product such as Hydrogen, Electricity, Syngas.
This calculator is not designed to replace a comprehensive Carbon Footprint Analysis but to give the user a good indication of production of The Dual Fluidized Bed (DFB) gasifier.
Your participation ignites countless community gains.
With supporting the local community to be sustainable by creating jobs and using the local resources. It will reduce the influx of migrants to the city which causes population hyper-growth. We want to empower people to create prosperity and remain living in the local smart communities.
By doing this, would significantly
reduce the risks and impact of climate change according
to the Paris Agreement 2015 — United Nations
The most sophisticated tool for carbon capturing and storage that had evolved on our planet about 700 million years ago.
All C4 plants thrive on sunlight as the source of energy through the process called Photosynthesis. This process captures carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and water from the ground, converts the carbon (C) from the capture carbon dioxide into starch and fiber, then releases the remaining oxygen (O2) into the air.
With all hands, we can safeguard the existing forests and support the reforestation which is a major factor for climate protect.
also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. The SDGs are a series of 17 goals to move all of us in the direction of being healthier, safer, more productive individuals, and in a way that protects our resources and planet for future generations.
carbonXchange has chosen three categories that we care about deeply. We are moving the academic knowledge into an action-oriented direction.
The communities nearby gain benefits from our green process.
C4 plants are what make our energy geeration worthwhile, with their nature carbon capturing
The GRE-DFB system convert biomass into energy with our propiatary gasification technology
The products converted from biomass are renewable and environmentally friendly
Our main focus is to contribute to the local in nearby communities - both from what we produce and what we learn in the process.
We would like to empower the local by bringing awareness of green future as we creating jobs. This bilateral cooperation will allow both parties to achieve sustainable future for the next generation.
The fundamental natural supplies which can be found throughout the planet, especially in agricultural areas. These supplies are not only high quality material for gasification process but are also source of income of the local in the area where our power plants are located.
The GRE-DFB system consists of two separate but connected reactor with the bubbling bed, fluidized with stream injected into the bottom of the reactor from a separate steam generator, and a combustion reactor with the fast circulating bed material fluidized with air.
The energy products from gasification process are not only renewable but only eco-friendly. Value of the products are varirous yet stable in energy market. Certified to have efficient quality for household usage to vihecle engines.
The mentioned products are as followed:
- Electricity based load/peak power
- Cold Storage
- Hydrogen
- Atmospheric Water
- Liquid Fuel
- Synthetic Natural Gas
A sustainable process can be co-created by anyone who would like to participate & contribute on carbonXchange. A value creation process is created by your funding with the aim to the sustainable path of carbon management.
Together we can co-create sustainability and prosperity from our daily emission.
CarbonRecyclingTM process will take 1,095 days (~ 3 years) + 90 days to payout.
"In the mean time, you may contribute by purchasing more certificates."
The “carbon stock” is available for exchange and sponsoring.
The prices may vary based on the carbon certificate demand/supply on platform and in the market.
Next Cycle
Another CarbonRecyclingTM is available for additional acquisition.
Product Designer
Product Developer
A digital tool for smart farmer and community to trade-in biomass, as known as, Wood waste, cassava root, etc. into gift-cards or coupons. The biomass will be the input for local Biorefinery to generate electricity for the grid.
A whole community can reduce the amount of carbon footprint from burning biomass and create a low carbon lifestyle with encouragement.
We want to capture the carbon emission from the air to decrease the global average temperature. The most efficient tool for capturing carbon is the tree, which later on can produce biomass fuel from gardening or agriculture production.
Then, mixed biomass will use for power and heat generation instead of fossil fuel. The result is low carbon footprint electricity for the local community and reducing some amount of CO2 from the earth’s atmosphere.
We have started partnering with the community biorefinery in Nongbua, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, which has capacitive 1.2 MW of electricity and will expand to 5MW in the future. The feasibility of the service area will be 40 kilometers around the biorefinery for gathering and transporting. For the CXC website, we still in the period of close beta testing.
The Biomass collectives program has a unique selling proposition for the local feedstock (Low-value carbon) market by focusing on varieties of agriculture waste.
The profit develops from the conversion of gasified feedstock into energy (High-value carbon) and power purchases by the local grid. Additionally, we have the numbers to benchmark.
Both can join by the organization or individual.
The fundamental natural supplies which can be found throughout the planet, especially in agricultural areas.
These supplies are not only high quality material for gasification process but are also source of income of the local in the area where our power plants are located.
The GRE-DFB system consists of two separate but connected reactor with the bubbling bed, fluidized with stream injected into the bottom of the reactor from a separate steam generator, and a combustion reactor with the fast circulating bed material fluidized with air.
The products which are the results of DFB gasification process. These products are considered renewable. The products are: